Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015

What the Hell Happened with me?

Hmm, I just got back may e-mail an password of this blog, Suddenly there was a flash memory flied across my mind about anything happened in a couple years ago. There was the time when I studied at the University at Bandung. It feels like that everything just happened about A couple days ago, but then when i look at the date I realized that it was the longest story of my life. There was a crowded mind of anything about Bandung, The easiest and the hardest thing that was suffered me when took study there suddenly showing up more and more. The only word to describe about that feeling, is that I was really "Miss that fucking City so much". Just now I'am thinking about calling back all the connection that I ever had, to cure this suffer. But than I was thinking How weak I am, How lame I'am. About Half Year ago I decided to leave that city and heading to my Home town. That time I was quite sure that I could have better life living in my hometown. Weeks has passed by, Month had passed by, till now I had no idea about what I've done, I have no Idea about what I've decided. Because in the fact, I got nothing here. The yellow bright thing that seems to be like gold before was nothing than a priceless item that could have any shapes or colors. In other hand, I always try to hold my life principle; Whatever I decided were something that should not be regrettable in any ways. Good or bad of my decision is kind of something that aimed to "Leaving the safe zone to get something better".

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

article's report

Samsul Ramli (1209204113)
PBI 1/C Class

City seeks the beggars’ bosses
The Jakarta Post | Fri, 08/28/2009 11:44 AM | City
The city administration is intensifying raids against seasonal beggars that usually flood the city in Ramadan by seeking the beggars’ bosses.
Governor Fauzi Bowo said Wednesday the administration had conducted raids in the five municipalities due to the recently increasing number of beggars.
“We are focusing the raids against those who organize the beggars, not the beggars themselves. I think it will need some extra efforts,” he said after a meeting to discuss issues arising from Ramadan and the upcoming Idul Fitri holiday.
“The organizers have exploited poor people from outside Jakarta to become beggars here. We are hunting them down and we will take legal action against them.”
He said arresting beggars would be useless as they would return to public places on release.
According to the city’s Social Agency, some 200 beggars were netted during the first two days of Ramadan. They were brought to a social rehabilitation center in Kedoya, West Jakarta, before being sent to their hometowns.
The raids involved officers from the Public Order Agency, the Social Agency and the Population and Civil Registry Agency to check places of origin. The administration also cooperated with municipal and regency administrations where the beggars are usually recruited.
Last year, the city netted 7,000 beggars in raids during Ramadan.
Of these, 5,000 were sent to social rehabilitation centers, 1,100 were sent to their hometowns and 900 were returned to their families in Jakarta.
To deal with criminal activities and traffic accidents during the Idul Fitri holiday, the administration and the police will join forces to enhance security throughout the city.
During the meeting, the two authorities said they would cooperate to ensure the safety of citizens leaving for their hometowns to celebrate Idul Fitri, on Sept. 21 and 22.
City police chief Insp. Gen. Wahyono said some 9,000 officers would be deployed to safeguard the city, including between 7,000 and 8,000 from the police and the rest from the Public Order Agency.
The police will set up 1,003 posts for traffic police and 170 security posts throughout the city, he said.
The police will increase monitoring certain places during the holiday, including fields and mosques where Muslims conduct Idul Fitri prayers, as well as recreational sites visited by holidaymakers.
“We will guard takbiran (crowds of Muslims walking around an area while chanting prayers on the night before Idul Fitri), and places where people do their prayers during Idul Fitri day,” Wahyono said.
Each sub precinct will deploy police officers to safeguard residential areas vacated by those traveling to their hometowns to prevent thefts.
To minimize risk of accidents, travelers are advised not to ride motorcycles to their hometowns, and instead take safer transportation, including buses and trains.
The number of travelers during this year’s holidays are expected to increase by 10 percent from around 2.025 million last year. The Transportation Agency predicts that the peak of the exodus will start six days before Idul Fitri, while the normal seasonal inward migration will be a week later.
“We estimate that the number of incoming migrants will decrease from 120,000 last year since development in rural areas is now better,” Fauzi said.
— JP/Desy Nurhayati

My Comment
I think it's right that the cases of beggars is a serious problems which need be solved by the administration because it can produce many problems such as it disturbs the safety of city and the safety of traffic. So that raiding the beggars is the main focus of the administration to safe the city.
I agree that raiding the beggars is not only preventing the beggars themselves but also it needs to prevent the lead of them or people exploiting them.
We know that now days, especially in Ramadan during feast day there are many people flooding the city as the beggars. It needs the efforts of the administration to net them by cooperating with social agency then they which are netted by the raid are given to social rehabilitation centre to educate.
Beside that the administrations need to introvert themselves in facing this phenomenon. Maybe their action based on available life or less in income. Beside that it caused by the less anticipation of government in facing the improvement of civil migrating every year. It, maybe can be solved by making the new of job vacancy.
The conclusion, the root of causes of this problem are the irresponsible people who only take the profit by exploiting the poor people which have an available of economic.

solving problem


Ani keep house with Ardi till three year more and have two children. One of them was 4 month ages and other was 1 year 8 month. Their domestic almost broken, because Ani works with salary 2, 5 times fold more than her husband. Ani guarantees charges of domestic while. Employ her husband make payee of house-lease cost of electrics and irrigate.
But Ani also has to guarantee younger daughter in-laws and the parents of Ardi. Unfortunately for Ardi, his mother and younger son; daughters are more important than Ani and their Children. So That, Ani becomes to hate Ardi’s family.But, Ani still loves Ardi for their children.

Ani berumah tangga dengan ardi sudah tiga tahun lebih dan punya dua anak berumur 4 bln dan 1tahun 8 bln. Rumah tangganya hampir saja runtuh, karena Ani bekerja dengan gaji 2,5 kali lipat lebih banyak dari suaminya. Ani menanggung beban biaya rumah tangga,sedang gaji suaminya buat bayar sewa rumah listrik dan air.
Tapi Ani juga harus menanggung adik ipar dan kirim buat orang tua Ardi. Dan nampaknya Ardi terlalu memikirkan ibu dan adik-adinya, daripada Ani dan anak-anaknya. Sehingga Ani jadi membenci keluarga Ardi. Biarpun begitu, Ani masih menintai Ardi demi anak-anaknya.



1. Will the dentist be able to fit me in at 08.00 tomorrow?
2. Will Mr. Nelson be able to fit me in at 09.30?
3. Will the Doctor be able to fit me in at three o’clock?
4. Will the manager be able to fit me in at about 13.00?
5. Will you be able to fit me in at 08.00 tomorrow?

1. A: Can the chief engineer see me on Friday?
B: No. I’m afraid not. He won’t be back till Tuesday.
2. A: Can the manager see me before lunch?
B: No. I’m afraid not. He won’t be in here till this afternoon.
3. A: Can Mira Moore see me at three?
B: No. I’m afraid not. She won’t be ready till six.
4. A: Can the alien’s officer see me now?
B: No. I’m afraid not. He won’t be available till 02.15.
5. A: Can the doctor see me this week?
B: No. I’m afraid not. He won’t be home till next month.

1. A: Would it be convenient to see you after lunch?
B: Do you think you could make it before lunch?
2. A: Would it be convenient to see you eleven?
B: Do you think you could make it a little later?
3. A: Would it be convenient to see you on Monday?
B: Do you think you could make it on Wednesday?
4. A: Would it be convenient to see you at three o’clock?
B: Do you think you could make it a bit later?
5. A: Would it be convenient to see you some time on Friday morning?
B: Do you think you could make it in the afternoon?

1. A: 9.30 are no good I’m afraid. He is engaged.
B. How about 10.30, then?
2. A: The morning’s no good I’m afraid. He is out.
B. How about the afternoon, then?
3. A: Before lunch’s no good I’m afraid. He is non it.
B. How about after launch, then?
4. A: The 15th’s no good I’m afraid. He is at a meeting.
B. How about the 10th, then?
5. A: The weekend’s no good I’m afraid. He is fully booked.
B. How about mid-week, then?

E. Change ‘A’ sentences using a negative and ‘unless’.
1. A: You can come earlier if it’s urgent.
B: You can’t come earlier unless if it’s urgent.
2. A: You can see him at 9 if he’s in.
B: You can’t see him at 9 unless if he’s in.
3. A: You can make it 9.30 if it’s convenient for him.
B: You can’t make it 9.30 unless if it’s convenient for him.
4. A: You can have an appointment if somebody cancels.
B: You can’t have an appointment unless if somebody cancels.
5. A: You can see him now if it’s important.
B: You can’t see him now unless if it’s important.


Mr. John : Good morning, Mr. Richard?
Mr. Richard : Good morning, John! How are you?
Mr. John : Very well, thank you. How are you?
Mr. Richard : I’m fine too, thanks. What can I do for you?
Mr. John : I was wondering if we could get together on Tuesday to talk about the specs on the relays you ordered.
Mr. Richard : Tuesday sounds fine to me, what time is good for you?
Mr. John : How about 2 p.m.?
Mr. Richard : I'm sorry, I've got to meet with Mr. Bobby then, but any other time is fine.
Mr. John : Can we try 3 p.m. then?
Mr. Richard : That's perfect, see you then.
Mr. John : Thank you Mr. Richard, I'll see you Tuesday then, at 3 p.m.




Samsul Ramli

Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas Uijan Akhir Semester (UAS) pada mata kuliah “Landasan Pendidikan”
Dosen : H. Arief Ichwanie AS


1. Terangkan dengan jelas gambar di bawah ini.

Landasan pendidikan adalah asas, dasar dan fondasi yang memperkuat dan memperkokoh dunia pendidikan dalam rangka untuk menciptakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan bermutu. Adapun urgensi landasan pendidikan bagi pengembangan pendidikan adalah dalam hal memberikan dasar-dasar pemahaman tentang pendidikan secara komprehensif-integral.
a. Landasan Hukum/Undang-Undang (UUD)
Landasan hukum pendidikan adalah dasar atau pondasi perundang-undangan yang menjadi pijakan atau pegangan dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan di suatu Negara. Di antara dasar hokum pendidikan di Indonesia yaitu: UUD 1945, UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, PP Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, dan lain sebagainya.
Pasal 31 Ayat 1 UUD 1945 berbunyi: “Tiap-tiap warga Negara berhak mendapatkan pengajaran”. Dan ayat 2 berbunyi: “Pemerintah mengusahakan dan menyelenggarakan satu system pengajar”. Pasal 32 pada UUD 1945 berbunyi : “Pemerintah memajukan kebudayaan nasional nasional, yang diatur dengan Undang-Undang”.
Pasal 1 Ayat 2 berbunyi sebagai berikut : “Pendidikan nasional adalah pendidikan yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang berakar pada nilai-nilai agama, kebudayaan nasional Indonesia dan tanggap terhadap tuntutan perubahan zaman“.
Pasal 1 Ayat 5 berbunyi : “Tenaga Pendidik adalah anggota masyarakat yang mengabdikan diri dan diangkat untuk menunjang penyelenggaraan pendidikan”. Yang dimaksud dengan Pendidik tertera dalam pasal 27 ayat 6, yang mengatakan bahwa “Pendidik adalah tenaga kependidikan yang berkualifikasi sebagai guru, dosen, konselor, pamong belajar, widyaiswara, tutor, instruktur, fasilitator, dan sebutan lain yang sesuai dengan kekhususannya, serta berpartisipasi dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan.”
b. Landasan Filsafat
Filsafat pendidikan ialah hasil pemikiran dan perenungan secara mendalam sampai keakar-akarnya mengenai pendidikan. Aliran-aliran filsafat pendidikan yang dominan di dunia ini ialah:
a) Filsafat pendidikan Esensialis bertitik tolak dari kebenaran yang telah terbukti berabad-abad lamanya. Kebenaran seperti itulah yang esensial, yang lain adalah suatu kebenaran secara kebetulan saja. Tekanan pendidikannya adalah pada pembentukan intelektual dan logika.
b) Filsafat pendidikan Parenialis tidak jauh berbeda dengan filsafat pendidikan Esensialis. Kalau kebenaran yang esensial pada esensialis ada pada kebudayaan klasik dengan Great Booknya, maka kebenaran Parenialis ada pada wahyu Tuhan. Tokoh filsafat ini ialah Agustinus dan Thomas Aquino.
c) Filsafat Progresivisme mempunyai jiwa perubahan, relativitas, kebebasan, dinamika, ilmiah, dan perbuatan nyata. Menurut filsafat ini, tidak ada tujuan yang pasti. Tujuan dan kebenaran itu bersifat relative. Apa yang sekarang dipandang benar karena dituju dalam kehidupan, tahun depan belum tentu masih tetap benar. Ukuran kebenaran ialah yang berguna bagi kehidupan manusia hari ini. Tokoh filsafat pendidikan Progresivis ini adalah John Dewey.
d) Filsafat pendidikan Rekonstruksionis merupakan variasi dari Progresivisme, yang menginginkan kondisi manusia pada umumnya harus diperbaiki (Callahan, 1983). Mereka bercita-cita mengkonstruksi kembali kehidupan manusia secara total.
e) Filsafat pendidikan Eksistensialis berpendapat bahwa kenyataan atau kebenaran adalah eksistensi atau adanya individu manusia itu sendiri. Adanya manusia di dunia ini tidak punya tujuan dan kehidupan menjadi terserap karena ada manusia. Manusia adalah bebas. Akan menjadi apa orang itu ditentukan oleh keputusan dan komitmennya sendiri.
c. Landasan Sejarah
Pendidikan di Indonesia telah ada sejak zaman kuno, kemudian diteruskan dengan zaman pengaruh agama Hindu dan Budha, zaman pengaruh agama Islam, pendidikan pada zaman kemerdekaan. Pada waktu bangsa Indonesia berjuang merintis kemerdekaan ada tiga tokoh pendidikan sekaligus pejuang kemerdekaan, yang berjuang melalui pendidikan. Merka membina anak-anak dan para pemuda melalui lembaganya masing-masing untuk mengembalikan harga diri dan martabatnya yang hilang akibat penjajahan Belanda. Tokoh-tokoh pendidik itu adalah Mohamad Safei, Ki Hajar Dewantara, dan Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan (TIM MKDK, 1990).
Mohamad Syafei mendirikan sekolah INS atau Indonesisch Nederlandse School di Sumatera Barat pada Tahun 1926. Sekolah ini lebih dikenal dengan nama Sekolah Kayutanam, sebab sekolah ini didirikan di Kayutanam
Ki Hajar Dewantara mendirikan Taman Siswa di Yogyakarta. Sifat, system, dan metode pendidikannya diringkas ke dalam empat keemasan, yaitu asas Taman Siswa, Panca Darma, Adat Istiadat, dan semboyan atau perlambang.Asas Taman Siswa dirumuskan pada Tahun 1922, yang sebagian besar merupakan asas perjuangan untuk menentang penjajah Belanda pada waktu itu.
Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan organisasi Agama Islam pada tahun 1912 di Yogyakarta, kemudian berkembang menjadi pendidikan Agama Islam. Pendidikan Muhammadiyah ini sebagian besar memusatkan diri pada pengembangan agama Islam, dengan beberapa cirri seperti berikut (TIM MKDK, 1990).Asas pendidikannya adalah Islam dengan tujuan mewujudkan orang-orang muslim yang berakhlak mulia, cakap, percaya kepada diri sendiri, dan berguna bagi masyarakat serta Negara.
d. Landasan Psikologi
Psikologi/ ilmu jiwa adalah ilmu yang mempelajari jiwa manusia. Jiwa itu sendiri adalah roh dalam keadaan mengendalikan jasmani, yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh alam sekitar. Karena itu jiwa atau psikis dapat dikatakan inti dan kendali kehidupan manusia, yang berada dan melekat dalam manusia itu sendiri
 Psikologi Perkembangan
Ada tiga teori atau pendekatan tentang perkembangan. Pendekatan-pendekatan yang dimaksud adalah: (Nana Syaodih, 1988)
 Pendekatan pentahapan. Perkembangan individu berjalan melalui tahapan-tahapan tertentu. Pada setiap tahap memiliki ciri-ciri pada tahap-tahap yang lain.
 Pendekatan diferensial. Pendekatan ini memandang individu-individu itu memiliki kesamaan-kesamaan dan perbedaan-perbedaan. Atas dasar ini lalu orang-orang membuat kelompok-kelompok
 Pendekatan ipsatif. Pendekatan ini berusaha melihat karakteristik setiap individu, dapat saja disebut sebagai pendekatan individual. Melihat perkembangan seseorang secara individual.

 Psikologi Belajar
Belajar adalah perubahan perilaku yang relative permanent sebagai hasil pengalaman (bukan hasil perkembangan, pengaruh obat, atau kecelakaan) dan bias melaksanakannya pada pengetahuan lain serta mampu mengkomunikasikan kepada orang lain.
e. Landasan Sosial Budaya (Soaiologi)
Landasan social budaya adalah pondasi standar atau dasar dari adanya interaksi antar individu yang didalamnya trdapat suatu keseluruhan yang kompleks dari pengetahuan yang diperoleh individu (manusia) sebagai anggota masyarakat.
Aspek social dan budaya sangat berperan dalam proses pendidikan. Malah dapat dikatakan tidak ada pendidikan yang tidak dimasuki unsur budaya. Materi yang dipelajari anak-anak adalah budaya, cara belajar mereka adalah budaya, begitu pula kegiatan-kegiatan mereka dan bentuk-bentuk yang dikerjakan juga budaya. Dan dengan adanya interaksi antar individu dalam masyarakat maka pendidikan terus berkembang dan untuk pelayanan pendidikanpun akan meningkat.
f. Landasan Ekonomi
Eknomi sebagai sumber pembiyayaan pendidikan sangat penting untuk mendorong, memicu, dan memacu etos bangsa menuju kualitas yang lebih baik. Ekonomi memiliki implikasi yang menentukan keberhasilan pendidikan. Dengan ekonomi yang kuat maka sarana, prasarana, media, alat belajar, dan sebagainya dapat di penuhi. Proses belajar mengajar lebih intensif.
Seperti diketahui dana pendidikan di Indonesia sangat terbatas. Oleh sebab itu ada kewajiban suatu lembaga pendidikan untuk memperbanyak sumber-sumber dana yang mungkin bias digali.
g. Landasan agama
Dalam dunia pendidikan, tanggung jawab pendidikan agama menjadi tanggung jawab keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat. Proses pendidikan di samping menuntut potensi intelektual, juga menghidupkan dan mempertahankan unsure manusiawi dalam dirinya dengan landasan iman dan taqwa.
Peran agama dalam hal pendidikan keimanan dan ketaqwaan serta akhlak mulia, sangat penting bagi pemberdayaan manusia di Indonesia.

2. Secara de facto maupun de jure, keguruan di indonesia termasuk sesuatu yang profesional , walaupun dari segi imbalan belum bisa dikatakan profesional seperti profesi lain (petinju, pesepak bola, dokter, pengacara, etc)

2.1. Apa yang menjadi ciri pokok bahwa suatu pekerjaan di anggap profesional?
Menurut Schein (1972), cirri-ciri professional adalah:
 Bekerja sepenuhnya dalam jam-jam kerja (full-time)
 Pilihan kerja itu didasarkan kepada motivasi yang kuat
 Memiliki seperangkat pengetahuan, ilmu dan keterampilan khusus yang diperoleh lewat pendidikan dan latihan yang lama
 Membuat keputusan sendiri dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan
 Pekerjaan berorientasi kepada pelayanan, bukan kepentingan peribadi.
 Pelayanan berdasarkan kebutuhan objektif klien
 Memiliki otonomi untuk bertindak dalam menyelesaikan persoaalan klien
 Menjadai anggota organisasi perofesi
 Memiliki kekuatan dan status tinggi sebagai eksper dalam sepesialisasinya
 Keahlian itu tidak diadvertensikan untuk mencari klien
2.2. Apa syarat yang mesti dipenuhi agar suatu pekerjaan dikatakan profesional?

Syarat-syarat pekerjaan p-rofesional menurut Konvensi Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia I tahun 1988:
a. Atas dasar panggilan hidup yang dilakukan sepenuh waktu serta jangka panjang
b. Telah memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus
c. Dilakukan menurut teori, prinsip, prosedur, dan anggapan-anggapan dasar yang baku sebagai pedoman
d. Sebagai pengabdian kepada masyarakat bukan mencari finansial
e. Memiliki kecakapan diagnostik dan kompetensi aplikatif dalam melayani klien
f. Dilakukan secara otonom yang bias di uji oleh rkan-rekan seperopesi
g. Mempunyai kode etik yang di jungjung tinggi masyarakat
h. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk melayani mereka yang membutuhkan

2.3. Bagaimana pandangan anda tentang profesionalisme keguruan ?
Istilah profesional pada umumnya adalah orang yang mendapat upah atau gaji dari apa yang dikerjakan, baik dikerjakan secara sempurna maupun tidak. (Martinis Yamin, 2007). Dalam konteks ini bahwa yang dimaksud dengan profesional adalah guru. Pekerjaan profesional ditunjang oleh suatu ilmu tertentu secara mendalam yang hanya mungkin diperoleh dari lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang sesuai sehingga kinerjanya didasarkan kepada keilmuan yang dimilikinya yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah (Wina Sanjaya, 2008). Dengan demikian seorang guru perlu memiliki kemampuan khusus, kemampuan yang tidak mungkin dimiliki oleh orang yang bukan guru ”a teacher is person sharged with the responbility of helping orthers to learn and to behave in new different ways” (Cooper, 1990).
Profesionalisme guru adalah kemampuan guru untuk melakukan tugas pokoknya sebagai pendidik dan pengajar meliputi kemampuan merencanakan, melakukan, dan melaksanakan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pada prinsipnya setiap guru harus disupervisi secara periodik dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Jika jumlah guru cukup banyak, maka kepala sekolah dapat meminta bantuan wakilnya atau guru senior untuk melakukan supervisi. Keberhasilan kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor antara lain dapat ditunjukkan oleh meningkatnya kinerja guru yang ditandai dengan kesadaran dan keterampilan melaksanakan tugas secara bertanggung jawab.

2.4. Terangkan dengan singkat tentang kode etik keguruan?

1. Beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
2. Setia kepada pancasila, UUD 1945 dan Negara.
3. Menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat peserta didik
4. Berbakti kepada peserta didik dalam membantu mereka yang mengembangkan diri
5. Bersikap ilmiah dan menjunjung tinggi pengetahuan, ilmu, teknologi dan seni sebagai wahana pengembangan peserta didik
6. Lebih mengutamakan tugas pokok daripada tugas sampingan
7. Betanggung jawab, jujur, berperestasi, dan akuntabel dalam bekerja
8. Berpegang teguh kepada kebudayaan Nasional dan Ilmu pendidikan
9. Menjadi teladan dalam berperilaku
10. Berprakarsa
11. Memiliki sifat kepeminpinan
12. Menciptakan suasana belajar atau studi yang kondusif
13. Memelihara keharmonisan pergaulan dan komunikasi serta bekerjasama dengan baik dalm pendidikan
14. Mengadakan kerja sama dengan orang tua siswa dan tokoh-tokoh masyarakat
15. Taat kepada peraturan perundang-undangan dan kedinasan
16. Mengembangkan profesi secara kontinu
17. Secara bersama-sama memlihara dan meningkatkan mutu organisasi profesi.

3. Terangkan dengan singkat istilah di bawah ini?
3.1. Teacher is burned or may be teacher is built?

Istilah tersebut mempunyai makna, seorang guru di lahirkan atau mungkin juga di buat. Maksudnya adalah bahwa adanya seseorang menjadi guru, bias jadi karena keturunan dari orang tuanya yang seorang guru pula. Biasanya kasus ini terjadi di dalam lembaga pendidikan islam nonformal, gelar guru biasanya akan di wariskan secara turun temurun. Hal ini terjadi karena kemungkinan ada pewarisan sifat melalui proses genetika.
Selain itu seorang guru biasanya ada dengan cara dibentuk yaitu melalui proses pendidikan, pembentukan inilah yang sangat berpengaruh bagi eksistensinya seorang guru. Dan perlu di ingat, walaupun seseorang mempunyai orang tua seorang guru, factor yang paling berpengaruh untuk menjadi seorang guru ialah proses pembentukan (pembuatan) melalui proses pendidikan.

3.2. De cleiren maken de man

Istilah ini berarti proses pendidikan dapan membentuk seseorang menjadi seorang manusia. Hal ini dimaksudkan bahwa pendidikan mempunya peranan yang cukup besar untuk membentuk manusia sesungguhnya, dalam artian manusia yang berpendidikan akan mempunyai akhlak yang lebih bermoral, dan dengan pengetahuannya dapat bermanfaat bagi dirinya, keluarganya, kelompoknya, negaranya, atau bahkan bermanfaat bagi seluruh dunia.

3.3. Mc Kenzie said that the effective group in English class is about 5 to 10 students.
Bagaimana pendapat anda? Jelaskan

Mc Kenzie bermaksud bahwa proses belajar mengajar akan lebih efektif jika di dalam sebuah kelas hanya terdiri atas 5 sampai 10 orang pelajar. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin sedidkit jumlah peserta didik di dalam sebuah kelas, akan semakin mempermudah guru untuk mengetahui tingkat perkembangan peserta didiknya, maka setiap peserta didik akan mempunyai kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk ditanya dan bertanya kepada gurunya dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya.
Dan jika sebaliknya, semakin banyak jumlah peserta didik di dalam suatu kelas akan semakin mempersulit guru untuk mengetahui perkembangan masing-masing peserta didik, maka proses peningkatan kualitas pendidikan akan sulit terwujud.


Made Pidarta, Landasan Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1997.
Tatang Syarifudin dan Nur’aini, Landasan Pendidikan, Bandung: UPI Press, 2006
Ruswandi Uus dkk. Landasan Pendidikan, Bandung: CV. Insan Mandiri, 2008



Samsul Ramli

Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas Uijan Tengah Semester pada mata kuliah “ Landasan Pendidikan”


1. Psikologi social sebagai ilmu terapan , kaitkan dengan kenapa pendidikan sejarah dari tingkat dasar sampai tingkat tinggi memperhatikan tingkat perkembangan anak .!
Psikologi atau ilmu jiwa adalah ilmu yang mempelajari jiwa manusia. Jiwa itu sendiri adalah roh dalam keadaan mengendalikan jasmani, yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh alam sekitar. Karena itu jiwa atau psikis dapat dikatakan inti dan kendali kehidupan manusia, yang berada dan melekat dalam manusia itu sendiri.
 Psikologi Perkembangan
Ada tiga teori atau pendekatan tentang perkembangan. Pendekatan-pendekatan yang dimaksud adalah : (Nana Syaodih, 1988)
1. Pendekatan pentahapan.
Perkembangan individu berjalan melalui tahapan-tahapan tertentu. Pada setiap tahap memiliki ciri-ciri pada tahap-tahap yang lain.
2. Pendekatan diferensial.
Pendekatan ini memandang individu-individu itu memiliki kesamaan-kesamaan dan perbedaan-perbedaan. Atas dasar ini lalu orang-orang membuat kelompok-kelompok
3. Pendekatan ipsatif.
Pendekatan ini berusaha melihat karakteristik setiap individu, dapat saja disebut sebagai pendekatan individual. Melihat perkembangan seseorang secara individual. Sementara itu Stanley Hall penganut teori Evolusi dan teori Rekapitulasi membagi masa perkembangan anak sebagai berikut (Nana Syaodih, 1988)
1. Masa kanak-kanak ialah umur 0 – 4 tahun sebagai masa kehidupan binatang.
2. Masa anak ialah umur 4 – 8 tahun merupakan masa sebagai manusia pemburu
3. Masa muda ialah umur 8 – 12 tahun sebagai manusia belum berbudaya4. Masa adolesen ialah umur 12 – dewasa merupakan manusi berbudaya.
Dari tingkat dasar sampe perguruan tinggi memperhatikan bahwa perkembangan jiwa anak dalam penddikan ialah.
 Beberapa perkembangan anak pada masa pendidikan tingkat dasar antara lain:
1) Adanya korelasi yang tinggi antara keadaan jasmani dan prestasi sekolah.
2) Sikap tunduk kepada peraturan-peraturan permaina yang tradisional.
3) Adanya kecendrungan memuji diri sendiri.
4) Suka membandingkan-bandingkan dirinya dengan anak lain,kalau hal itu menguntungkan; dalam hubungan dengan ini juga ada kecendrungan untuk meremehkan anak lain.
5) Kalau tidak menyelesaikan suatu soal dianggapnya tidak penting.
6) Pada masa ini anak menghendaki nilai-nilai (angka rapor,score.) yan baik,tanpa mengingat apakah prestasinya memang pantas di beri nilai baik atau tidak.
 Beberapa perkembangan pada masa pendidikan tingkat tinggi antara lain:
1) Adanya perhatian kepada kehidupan praktis sehari-hari yang kongkrit, hal ini membawa kecendrungan untuk membantu pekerjaan –pekerjaan secara praktis.
2) Amat realistik,ingin tau ingin belajar.kenyataan inilah yang kiranya mendasar opendapat O.kroh yang memberi persipatan pada masa ini sebagai masa realisme yaitu realisme naif dan realisme kritis.
3) Menjelang akhir masa ini telah ada minat kepada hal ini kepada hal dan mata-mata pelajaran khusus,yang oleh ahli-ahli yang mengikuti teori faktor di tafsirkan sebai mulai nonjolnya faktor-faktor.
4) Sampai kira-kira umur anak membutuhkan bantuan guru atau orang-oran dewasa lainya untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya dan memenuhi keinginanya setewlah kira-kira umur anak menghadapi tugas dengan bebas dan berusah menyelesaikan sendiri.
5) Pada masa ini anak memandang nilai (angka raport) adalah ukuran yang tepat (sebaik –baiknya) mengenai prestasi sekolahnya.
6) Anak-anak pada masa ini gemar membentuk kelompok-kelompok sebaya, biasanya untuk dapat bermain bersama-sama. Di dalam permainan ini anak-anak kerap kali tidak terikat kepada peraturan-peraturan permainan yang tradisional; mereka membuat peraturan sendiri,.

2. Keinginan (need) pengaruhnya dalam prilaku pendidikan atau seseorang!
Keinginan sama juga dengan kebutuhan jadi ada beberapa kebutuhan peilaku pendidikan yang harus di ketahui yaitu:
Kesehatanya,ketetramnya,dan sebagainya seorang perilaku pendidikan dapat belajar dengan baik apabila kebutuhan internalnya dapat di penuhi. Menurut maslow ada 7 jenjang kebutuhan primer manusia yang harus di penuhi yakni :
1) Kebutuhan fisiologis,yaiyu kebutuhan jasmani manusia,misalnya kebutuhan akan makan,minum,tidur,istirahat dan kesehatan. Untuk dapat belajar yang efektif yang efisien,siswa harus sehat, jangan sampai sakit yang dapat menganggu kerja otak yang mengakibatkan terganggunya kondisi dan konsentrasi belajar.
2) Kebutuhan akan keamanan,Manusia membutuhkan ketentraman dan keamanan jiwa,perasaan kecewa,dendam.takut dan kegagalan. Ketidakseimbangan mental dan kegoncangan-kegoncangan emosi yang lain dapat menganggu kelancaran belajar seseorang. Oleh karena itu agar belajar siswa dapat di tingkatkan ke arah yang efektif , maka siswa harus daoat menjaga keseimbangan emosi sehingga perasaan aman dapat tercapai dan kosentrasi pikirn daot di pusatkan pada materi pembelajaran yang ingin di pelajari.
3) Kebutuhan akan kebersamaan dan cinta.Manusia dalam hidup membutuhkan kasih sayang dari orng tua,saudara dan teman yang lain. Di samping itu akan merasa berbahagia apbila dapat membantu dan memberikan cinta kasih pada orang lain pula.Keinginan untuk di akui sama dengan orng lain merupakan kebutuhan primer yang harus di penuhi .Oleh karena itu belajar bersam dengan kawn-kawan lain dapat meningkatkan pengatahuan dan ketajaman berpikir siswa .Untuk itu diperlukan cara berpikir yang terbuka, kerjasama, memilih materi yang tepat , dan di tunjang dengan visualisasi ( caontoh-contoh yang nyata atau gambar-gambar dan sebagainya )
4) Kebutuhan akan status ( misalnya akan keinginan akan keberhasilan ). Tiap orang akan berusaha agar keinginannya dapat berhasil. Untuk kelancaran belajar ,perlu optimis, percaya akan kemampuan sendiri, dan yakin akan bahwa ia dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan baik lagi pula siswa harus yakin bahwa apa yang di pelajari adalah merupakan hal-hal yang kelak akan banyak gunanya bagi dirinya.
5) Kebutuhan self-actualisesion. Belajar yang efektif dapat di ciptakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri image seseorang. Tiap orang tentu berusaha untuk memenuhi keinginan yang di cita-citakan. Oleh karena itu siswa harus yakin bahwa dengan belajar yang baik akan dapat membantu tercapainya cita-cita yang diinginkan.
6) Kebutuhan untuk mengatahui dan mengerti; yaitu kebutuhan untuk memuaskan ras ingin tahu,mendapatkan pengatahuan, informasi,dan untuk mengerti sesuatu. Hanya melalui belajarlah supaya pemenuhan kebtuhan ini dapat terwujud.
7) Keburtuhan estetik yaitu kebutuhan yang di manifestasikan sebagai kebutuhan akan keteraturan, keseimbangan dan kelengkapan dari suatu tindakan. Hal ini hanya mungkin terpenuhi jika individu/siswa belajar yang tak henti-hentinya tidak hanya selama di pendidikan formal saja tetapi setelah selesai, setelah bekerja, bekeluarga serta berperan dalam masyrakat.
Keinginan (need) adalah keadaan dalam diri subjek didik yang mendorongnya untuk melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas tertentu. Keinginan (need) boleh jadi timbul dari rangsangan luar, seperti pemberian hadiah bila seseorang dapat menyelesaikan satu tugas dengan baik. Keinginan (need) semacam ini sering disebut Keinginan (need) ekstrensik. Tetapi tidak jarang pula Keinginan (need) tumbuh di dalam diri subjek didik sendiri yang disebut Keinginan (need) intrinsik. Misalnya, seorang subjek didik gemar membaca karena dia memang ingin mengetahui lebih dalam tentang sesuatu.
Dalam konteks belajar, Keinginan (need) intrinsik tentu selalu lebih baik, dan biasanya berjangka panjang. Tetapi dalam keadaan Keinginan (need) intrinsik tidak cukup potensial pada subjek didik, pendidik perlu menyiasati hadirnya Keinginan (need) ekstrinsik. Keinginan (need) ini, umpamanya, bisa dihadirkan melalui penciptaan suasana kompetitif di antara individu maupun kelompok subjek didik. Suasana ini akan mendorong subjek didik untuk berjuang atau berlomba melebihi yang lain.Namun demikian, pendidik harus memonitor suasana ini secara ketat agar tidak mengarah kepada hal-hal yang negatif.
Keinginan (need) ekstrinsik bisa juga dihadirkan melalui siasat “self competition”, yakni menghadirkan grafik prestasi individual subjek didik.Melalui grafik ini, setiap subjek didik dapat melihat kemajuan-kemajuannya sendiri. Dan sekaligus membandingkannya dengan kemajuan yang dicapai teman-temannya.Dengan melihat grafik ini, subjek didik akan terdorong untuk meningkatkan prestasinya supaya tidak berada di bawah prestasi orang lain.


Riswandi.Uusdkk, Landasan Pendidikan, Bandung: Insan mandiri, 2008.
Suryabrata.Sumadi. Psikologi Pendidikan, Jakarta: Rajawali Pres, 1989.
A.yunus, Psikologi Umum , Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2003.
Pidarta Made, Landasan Kependidikan, Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 1997.
Hasbullah, Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pendidikan, Edisi Revisi 5, Jakarta, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006.
Indira Permanasari, Pendidikan Dasar Gratis Sudah Saatnya Diberlakukan ,

novels review/E.F.Social Interaction

Submitted to the Lecturer of English for Academic and Profesional Interaction II
to Fulfil the Mid-term Tes Assignment

By :
Samsul Ramli : 1209204113

English Department
The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
The State Islamic University
Sunan Gunung Djati

A. Background to The Report
The purpose of writing this book report is to fulfill the mid-term test assignment. We choose the book of George and Sam. It is a true story that tell us about autism. It is written elegantly based on private observation. It is a precious contribution for the families that want to know more about autism.
For charlotte more, george’s mother, George and Sam is trouble maker but beside that they will never same as the other children that grow up naturally become an adult person who stand alone. However, Charlote- who take care of them alone, together with her third son, Jake that is not autism – refuse to give themselves or her son affection.
In this inspiring book, Charlote Moore tell her family’s life cleverly. From the beginning she aware that her first son is autism and accept the reality that no one can recover him, until tells the strange ritual and funny in their daily life.
The process we got this book, we bought it at Gramedia Bookstore. When we come there, there is no this book, so we must waiting for a week to order this book. Finally, after a week, we got it. Then we divided the chapter together with our group to each person, read it and started to make this book report.

B. Identity of the book
1. The Title : George and Sam
2. The Writer : Charlote Moore
3. The Publisher : PT. Elek Media Kompetindo
4. The Time and The Place of Publishing :
5. The Number of The Pages : 334 pages

Chapter 1 Is there any seeds in the family

In this chapter charlotte more told us about her childhood. and then compared it with her two sons childhood (George and Sam). Each child will be considered a normal family life. Only when our adult reassess things and who does not supposed to. However, childhood psychiatric George and Sam are very different. Their experiences in stark contrast, not connected with each other. How the collection was not continuous sensory awareness, not produce a clear pattern.
When this is generally understood that autism involves genetic factors, which exist in the family tree. The picture was in contrast to the fact that the reference to the nature of a unsocial, autism tend to have less likely to be biased to be a parent than the other communities.
He was not afraid of heights (the characteristics of most people with autism) and likes to walk around on the roof of a factory chimney or tower of the castle.

Chapter 2 Miracle babies

George is not a firstborn. There was one more, which should be 14 years old. In 1987, Moore and Min Charlotte married and they really want the presence of a child. But after an ultrasound scan them know that there are babies in the womb armless and only has half a hand and they finally agreed to have an abortion, because they are worried if the baby will keep making them depressed married life, but apparently they finally parted.
Research call, the babies who later suffered from autism, many experiencing difficult birth process. The first assumption mentioned, there process is causing damage to the baby, probably oxygen supply to the brain decreases. Another theory about the "birth of autism" sounds more plausible. This theory is called active since pregnancy autism. The difficulty of the process because of the difficulty of babies born to work together. Infant instinct is not working correctly. The lack of eye contact is a prominent feature of autism. The fun will be lost eye contact as needs be taught simultaneously with the onset of walking --- she does not like to sleep lying down.
Recent research, using eye contact assessment device that autistic gaze focused on the bottom half of the face, especially in part of mouth. While the "look normal people" explore from top to bottom, from eye to mouth to hand, make judgments about the intentions and thoughts of the person observed. Autism, only concentrate on the lower face, lost almost all of these instructions. Ironically, with the ability minimal language, autism rely heavily on the spoken words to understand the general case.

Chapter 3 Put down the phone and please repeat it again later

All people with autism do not have normal language. Some even did not bias talking, but their bias was taught sign language. This seems not be a problem, but in-depth tests will be visible speech patterns are rigid or inflexible. Autism may not be able to modify a complex vocabulary to understand what he was saying bias a child or a stranger. Very possibly, the whole topic talks only about things that interest him or touch him.
Almost all people with autism is difficult in the use of the possessive pronoun. George could not distinguish when to use the words "I", "ME" and "MY" until the age of six and a half years. I think that autistic children use language in two different ways. First, to get what they want. And use language that is mostly for things concrete and functional. Second, there is one kind of another language that they have. Which they usually use for their own satisfaction. They muttered to himself, repeating a small part in the video dialogues, reduce or eliminate the words sounded strange to be shouted or whispered.

Chapter 4 Two series in the family

Often, children with autism previously thought to suffer from deafness, before the diagnosis finally came true. Mothers often confused them child ignore their words, but could immediately ran to the corner of the park heard a bag of chips when opened. Autism is often called "schizophrenia in childhood" or "childhood mental disorders." This is considered a low level in the spectrum of psychosis. At lower levels, children are now diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, once considered merely a lazy child, somewhat disturbed, eksenterik, or awkward. So, most of this increase, broadly refers to the spread of certain diagnostic criteria
George and Sam were born autistic. But this time nobody noticed. And, there's no one to blame because they do not notice the symptoms, because it is not obvious. Setbacks are often found in children with autism aged two or three years, is closely linked to what is expected of them. Their brains work too hard and failed to cope. Parents are usually believed to have normal children, continue to encourage the child to fit the actual path for a normal kid, but unfortunately, not for children with autism.
Chapter 5 Diagnosis
In 1943, Leo Kanner was the first to create a description of autism "classic", sometimes also referred to as "Kanner's syndrome".
Hans Asperger, a year later, in 1944 to publish his findings. Asperger canderung case study in children with autism lead with high intelligence, the latter generally accepted as the autism spectrum. Asperger emphasized, in addition to social skills are still pretty, the children have Asperger's "originality of thought and experience" (not the result of imitation, which may be capable of guiding them towards achieving the extraordinary life).
George and Sam does not fit when inserted in the case of Asperger's, although George tend to be closer. The weakness of communication that does not mean there is no communication. Very few children with autism are increasingly unable to communicate at all, although many are not willing to talk.
George and Sam can express joy and frustration, but could not berencan, pretend, or persuade. Babies with autism do not ever pretend.
At the age of fifteen months, George looked like a talented and Sam like Mr. Cheap's smile.
Chapter 6 Journey Toward Diagnosis
In 1992 at the age of two years and three months of George's very interesting, like socializing, interested in many adult thing designed is shown to him. Gila books, likes to play, humorous, and happy to show his sing talent and poetry in front of anyone. Less than three months later, it all suddenly disappeared.
With increasing years, Sam started to see problems. But the problem Min and George look bigger. Sam was like a little slow, and somewhat strange. Speech sounds very messy.
A child growing up without a label (autism or Asperger syndrome), means that are in danger to grow up without proper handling

Chapter 7 Could it be cured?
There's no cure for autism whatever. That is a controversial statement.
When George first got diagnosisi autism, we were told that proper education is the only useful treatment. An education program that focuses on setting behavior, such as ABA, is the best way of tackling social problems and intellectual.
Month in March 1999, just before their fortieth birthday, Sam felt the discomfort that is at its worst. She was screaming almost every time, and trying to hold off his clothes. His whole body full of scars and scratches pinch. That same year, he underwent injection sekrtin, and his condition never deteriorated again.
George and Sam were in trutin examined by midwives, health workers, and physicians. Until George was three and a half years, they did not say there's something wrong with my two sons.
Chapter 8 Sam Disaster
As the growing sam from toddler to child, he was even less demanding.
There are several ways to discipline children, namely by getting rid of his favorite things, prohibit meet his friends, and make the child feel ashamed.
ttetapi an effect on the sam is the first way, because the others associated with social sensibility, which is independent sam.
autism generally can not comply, although it does not mean bad.
sam has a deep interest in some aspects of the world around, even on other aspects really blind.
at that age most are still in the way of talking george adaptation of the sources he remembered.
on the other hand scrolled the language skills are not clearly visible when showing peningkatan.yang age of five and a half years, all of that disappear within six months.
adi setbacks were common and inevitable in children with autism, generally occurs in the second year of life. suddenly lost interest in playing, talking, desire to make social contacts diminished, in some cases the loss can be permanent.
sam needs to be aware of the guidance and, more sam autism than before the disaster
Chapter 9 Different Understanding
Sam a psychologist researching families, and give the impression / emotional reasons for the increased pleasure alone lost the ability to speak, weeping incoherently, difficulty sleeping, and the desire to hurt himself.
until october 1997, although not easily seen in autism and in control / are taught, as he seemed cheerful, always busy, and the eccentric can socialize.
during spring 1998, all seemed to disappear, that is scrolled so difficult to achieve. dated 26 January 1998, during which george birthday to eight, maybe this behavior is caused later sam pregnancy, which would replace his position.
autistic children could not respond, like normal kids, do not understand what to say, not impressed at all.
Chapter 10 The Gentle Violence
Spring on 1999, me, sam, and my aunt merial. Standup in katedral balcon in Hereford.
We leap George and jake, under watching people in place,whaile we invinite sam just enough to change sees.
Sam lost,I call police to find sam,after around sam find in up the wye bank. Sam does’t injury, and doesn’t afraid.
But just little autism suffering, can life alone, to be adult.
George like fair, and difficult hold back, throw a paper to fireplace and then die, sam does’t have know about the future. Reason sam just care if I thing angry/ not, because high volume scream and he feel afraid. ABA program sam through begain to success.
My motivation,following ABA program so that George and sam, submissive before adolescent.
Chapter 11 Blackberry and Drying Mechine
Sam would like wash machine, he does’t feel tired watch was machine until he 5 th old, George extracted to blackberry forcefull almost sam to wash machine.
Sam familiar with wash machine kid in school.
George write some poem, when he 4 year,
“look at all of blackberry
It want pick self
It want grow
It want pick self
It want grow
Blackberry smile
Let pick self.
It poem about blackberry, difficult to know interestd autism, change to be obsession, and when obsession just for release.
But sam extracted destroyed in autumn 1997.

Chapter 12 Tomato Catsup for All
Food is acceptable George: coco pops (dry), toast, and marmite, but the flesh is the most important for him, since the past until now. Actually not because of diet restrictions that make me anxious. I have heard much worse, I suffered worse as time where for a few weeks the only solid food that can pass through the upper lip is Sam Jaffa Cakes (which I threw out the bottom like a sponge for the birds to scatter food, but birds the birds would not touch it). Yang was more worried about me than the strict high-protein diet is a diet that George had to wait until hunger. This has already lasted for 18 months
In theory, that could eat him are various types of meats, fish or vegetables. Eggs, rice, maize flour, potatoes, beans, peas, tofu, soy ... so many, such as endless. The hitch, of course, Sam does not know it as food. Currently, he is very dependent on rice crackers, breakfast cereals (gf), biscuit gf is very expensive, and "potato products." The "best" that want to be eaten are eggs, in the form of omelets and only twice a week, as well as sausages and burgers gf at most once a week. Sam taking a daily vitamin in tablet form, but do not want to touch the special nutritional supplements prescribed nutritional experts. But I do not feel guilty if Sam diets of low nutritional value because the dominant enough nutrients also exist in the remnants of food he ate when he was allowed to choose their own food.
Chapter 13 Education,education,education
Ideal environment for children with autism must have looked boring to the eyes of normal people. Flat, pale-colored walls,

Chapter 14
I can’t say that why autism can’t fast asleep. But because they do anything with defferent method, seems that impossible their habit same with us. They always emotion, nervous, and over stimulation. In their dictionary nothing rileks. Their senses which very sensitive, maybe it’s mean they difficult coped with disruption light or sound. They often dependent rituals. Jacqui Jackson, 4 of 7 brothers be spectrum autism. He says, his brother Ben very fanatic at his daily. If his pudding lose, he will cried out for pudding in mid night. Not want to his pudding comeback, but cause he not hold out if daily changed. And of course, cause less social bond, autism faild adapt theirselves with sleep pattern hoped everyone. Maybe same with their can’t uses sweater in winter,or clean their bottom after loosen the bowels.
Chapter 15
Both my son have strong respons about color, especially George. They can mention all color very fluent before second birth, I remember when George 2 th 3 month, sit in his chair and see the donkey. “what is the color of donkey?” ask me. “gray. No, brown gray. No, brown gray pink,” his answer. Sensitivity about this color . Jessy Park now 40 th, uses various color for detail her painting with gradation design nearly disvisible so almost unseen by eyes usual people.
Chapter 16 Between God and Tooth Fairy
When George was four years old, we asked him what he wanted for Christmast gift. He said that he wanted aphid- a kind of small insects that damage crops; crops louse. His kind baptism mother prepared a box of insect which almost similar with the thing that he wanted. He interesting with it. He likes to see the way they are walking like walking in the moon, from one side to another side-and they were put for a year at the corner of the bathroom, looks happy. But she just aware now, actually he didn’t want aphid. When he said “Aphid” , he just connect “aphid” with the word “want”. It’s because in the book story of the Bad Tempered Lady Bird written by Eric Carle,an protagonist actor repeat the sentence “ I want those aphids”. George’s request indicates that out of vocabulary words and his adult speech, he misunderstood about those words mean.
It also shows that he only have a few concept of christmas. But it is not because he forgotten the previous christmas. His lack of ability to edit or to organize his mind/memory is one of the major trouble. He remember about christmas but he don’t understand the basic question/standard question about christmast. He don’t interest with the idea to give/share and to accept. He don’t know what the function of gift, materially and symbolically. He have no idea about what he wanted. Autism children have different reaction to the gift. Usually, some of them who not too clever, like Sam will smell every gift, and if it smell like chocolate, he will tear the cover of the gift without aware for whom that gift. While autism who has more ability, like george has an anxious feeling to the gift. But they don’t like surprise. They can’t understand what’s the meaning of gift wrap(paper for covering gift), except enjoy the physic sensation to tear it. Most of them like to be give Thomas the Tank Engine’s Video not in ceremonial event. They don’t know how to respons if they are given some gift by others. All of this make them confuse. They can’t easily accept the gift. Like George, he will scream if there is someone who give him gift, even he will throw it away to the rubbish box. It will make us that give him it, be hurt. But that’s autism world. They will confuse because most of people are sosialized in christmas, they are have a chat, the people are crowded, so it make them afraid and confuse. Autism is challenge for us, we have to try to explain what is religion for human. Christopher Smart in his poem My Cat Jeoffry, describe his cat as “a tool for children to study about the truth.” Probably, it’s the comfort way to explain about truth to them,so without awareness, they complete a measure of attitude morality normal human.
Chapter 17 Wear a cloth and Make it damage
Charlote moore, their mother, was making a cup of coffee for guests. Even when he was willing to take the sugar, She should slowly so as not to know George and Sam. but it was useless, because eventually caught as well. They jumped off the couch / chair to get the sugar, sugar She tried to protect it so that they do not spill it, or lick it directly in the sugar bowl. She stopped with her knees. and finally the situation under control. She had been accustomed to full alert in the case of minors, so that She no longer feel tense. They will still look like aliens when they heard the closet door opened, but much more responsive to say "no" after ABA therapy. They have no awareness of themselves that they can not touch this or that. but if an adult gives a command, usually they will stop.
In other cases, they like up and down on the roof of the car, get into and if any tapes they would ruin it, even leaving the lights on, turn the glass-screened, even car seats smeared with feces by George that actually more sociable than Sam. That case make her upset. Donna Wiliams explains autism easily become confused on the second function of similar goods. if it was white and there is a square near the bathroom will be used as bathroom tissue. Sam also had her underwear flushed down the toilet. he does not like clothing buckles. if there are buttons on the sleeve, it will ruin it, widen the hole buttons. when he ran out of underwear and socks to be included into the toilet, then he will stop it down the toilet. She hopes through this book She could give an explanation that people with autism have an abnormal response of any kind, never had a boring or not something looks dangerous.
Compensation for Me
There is a time that stressful, but is a problem always be in every family, isn’t it? Tension/stress, tolerance are different with the other family generally. Maybe this life will not be like in the hell, if she is not too mad. But for her, it takes her long time to accept all of this (her autism’s sons) calm and quietly like now. Everyday her two sons make her mad, and bore. But equally, everyday they entertain her.
Chapter 18 Compensation to Me
There are some extreme stressful period, but is the problem also exist in every family in general? Maybe life is not too like in hell, if She is not too upset. But it takes her long time to can accept all of this calm and quietly like now. Everyday they make her mad and bore. But equally, they give her entertainment. They expressed their characteristic in every little thing that they do, and uniquely she like each characteristic . The main rule is if her three sons are happy, she will happy. But to understand Sam, it is rather difficult because he can say what he feel. His screamed can mean anything, from the stomach ulcers till just because she put his biscuit in green plate and not in blue plate as he like .
Her two sons, especially George feel comfortable if there is no directly contact. They like wild deer because the way they are approach, then contact that just a minute, then escape, like them. George and Sam never crazy over with the new trend that up to date. They make her confuse. They are destructive, asocial, and unpredictable, except you know them well. They also have no ill will, not matrealistis, handsome and makes anyone interested.

Chapter 19 Then What?
This book tell us about childhood autism . George and Sam has some signs of physically puberty, but the change emotionally and social are not too visible. sexual sensitivity is poor, not like when they were seven years old. It’s hard to hope her autism children to be independent, she can not imagine that. Autism is unpredictable. One of health problem that appeared on autism is epilepsy which develop when teenager. The second therapy has make their behavior are control. Don’t think that we can change them. We can’t change them. But we have to understand them. Even it is hard to the parents of autism children to find out the good babysitter. Because they need a babysitter who creative, always wary, and have experienced.
Will self, an educated person say that autism is same with “cold blood” and “like to be alone”. Should she know the definition of autism well. The word “autism” come from Greek that have the meaning “ self”. For an autism person, a self concept is something which complex. Hope that this book can explain it. This mysterious, unique, and passionate person will always exist in our life, become a measurement for our morality behavior, the challenges that can’t be understood on our definition about what is human.
So after reading this book, we know that autism is a disease that can not be the cure, autism is a disorder marked by emotional breakup with the community, and look at life from the point of interests and desires of their own.
we even have to know the symptoms of what may cause autism, ranging from lack of eye contact, because it is one of the prominent features of autism.
most people with autism are boys, all patients with autism do not have normal language, some can not even talk, but they can be taught sign language, this seems to not really matter, but in-depth tests would appear to speak a rigid pattern whether or not flexible.
capabilities even before going to fade away with increasing age, but not all of it was permanently lost, there is also the ability to return.

Autisme is a condition of a person from birth or during infancy, which makes him unable to form social relationships or normal communication. As a result the child is isolated from other human beings into the world and repetitive, obsessive activities and interests. (Baron-Cohen, 1993). According to Power (1989) the characteristics of children with autism is a disorder in the six areas:
social interaction,
communication (language and speech),
patterns of play,
sensory and motor disturbances
delayed or abnormal development.

These symptoms began to appear from birth or as a child, usually before a child aged three years.

Autism in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder-IV R is one of five types of disorders under the umbrella of PDD (Perpasive Development Disorder) outside of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Perpasiv developmental disorder (PDD) is a term used to describe a group of developmental disorders under the (umbrella term), PDD, namely:
Autistic Disorder (Autism) Appear before the age of three years and indicated the existence of barriers in social interaction, communication and imaginative play skills and stereotyped behaviors in the presence and activities of interest.
Asperger's Syndrome Barriers development of social interaction and the limited interests and activities, generally do not show delays in language and talk, and has the intelligence level of an average to above average.
A pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) Refers to the term atypical autism, PDD-NOS diagnosis applies if a child does not indicate the overall criteria of a particular diagnosis (autism, Asperger's or Rett Syndrome).
Rett's syndrome more common in girls and rarely occurs in boys. Had been progressing normally and then a decline / loss of its ability; loss of functional abilities, which were replaced with hand-move your hands move repeatedly in the age range 1-4 years.
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) Indicates a normal development during the first two years of age the development and then suddenly loses the abilities that have been achieved previously.

Diagnosis Perpasive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Develompmental (PDD - NOS) is usually used or worn in the United States to explain that some characteristics of autism in a person (Howlin, 1998: 79). National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) in the United States declared that autism and PDD - NOS is a developmental disorder that tend to have similar characteristics and symptoms appear before age 3 years. Both are neurological disorders that are affecting the ability to communicate, understand language, play and ability to relate to others. The inability to adapt to change and the responses that are not fair to the sensory experience is often also linked to the symptoms of autism